Monday, September 29, 2008

The pattern is live and more news

Grace Notes Socks is now up on Ravelry.
I spent yesterday at the City Paper's Crafty Bastards festival. Always inspiring times. So came home and started working on a pair of wrist warmers and a knit skirt. The skirt is from the UK magazine, Knit Today. The pattern calls for Noro, but in a budget move I am doing in in Boku. If anyone has knit this, I would love to hear from you.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Knitting from the Stash

I put myself on a yarn diet a while back. This means I am not supposed to be buying new yarn. That is harder than it sounds., as I was gifted skeins in small amounts, so that has meant buying some yarn. In addition to the Orkney yarn, I have bought two skeins of chenille to match one of the gifted skeins. This should mean that I can actually make something other than a scarf. I also need to wind a lot of skeins. So maybe that is tonight's task.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More socks

I have a couple more socks to show off. These are the swirly socks from Clara Parks book, The Knitters Book of Yarn
The yarn came from a wonderful swap on Ravelry and are the Swirly O socks. Done on size 3 needles they were a quick treat to knit.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tomatoes and Feta

What a perfect summer meal...tomatoes and feta cheese, baked and broiled. Thanks to the Washington Post for the recipe
This was a great use for a less than wonderful tomato. Baked slowly for 30 minutes a bland fruit became quite tasty. No picture, but just imagine.

These Socks are Green

No-not green in the ecological sense, just green yarn. They are knit from Socks That Rock medium weight and are of my own design. I am trying to upload a link to the pattern. Please let me know what you think. It has been proofread, but if you find any typos let me know. The color is from the Rocking Sock Club, so is not available yet, but the pattern will work for any sock weight yarn
They were fun to do an d I am very pleased with them.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Orkney Wool

I can't wait to share the pictures of this lovely yarn. While in Scotland, I was able to score some beautiful Orkney Yarn from Northern Lace. Elizabeth dyed some beautiful colors and I expect beautiful sweaters.